Leaders of Color

BLOC operates to form an inclusive and diverse community of leaders united to increase the representation and advance the success of underrepresented people throughout the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical industries to produce better results in the life sciences industry, a charitable, educational, and scientific mission.


BLOC pillars

Building Community

Building community between constituent BLOC members to support them as they pursue and advance through their careers.

Advancing representation

Advancing representation through the dissemination of opportunities and career positions to the BLOC community and providing career advancement support

Cultivating Idea Sharing

Cultivating idea sharing between BLOC members regarding the life sciences industry

Fostering Community

Hosting events to foster community between BLOC members and provide job and career opportunities. These activities are discussed in more detail below and are open to all participants who are interested, regardless of race


What our members say

“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”

“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”

“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”


J.P. Morgan Conference

BLOC will be hosting a reception, poster session and fireside chat at the 42nd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference. 

I want to become a member